Welcome to Visual Exposure, a blog for translations, live reports and more!
Here you can find lyric translations as well as an overview of my work for ROKKYUU (69) Magazine. 
For more info about this blog and myself, read the ABOUT section! 

Dying to have something translated? Send me a REQUEST!

So far this blog mainly contains work from the band A (エース) Anonymous Confederate Ensemble, but I'm wanting to translate work by other artists as well. So request or suggest away! 

Bands of interest: Unsraw, -OZ-, DELUHI, Xodiack, Black Gene for the Next Scene, アヲイ(AWOI), Kiyoharu, MUCC, Girugämesh, Golden Bomber, SID.

If you like what you see, please support the artists mentioned on this blog by buying their original CD's and spreading the word! 

~Work in progress~

A(エース) - Various CURE interviews/articles

Feel free to share and re-post my work but make sure to properly and visibly credit me with a link back to my blog. Thank you! ^_^